Friday 8 May 2009

East London (08/05/09)

Today, wear shorts in celebration of England's miraculous bowling display yesterday.....

Conditions are looking perfect for cricket again today, bit of cloud around to help get a bit of swing going this morning....

Can I wear shorts in East London today?

Thursday 7 May 2009

East London (07/05/09)

Moved very much towards the jeans camp today....

I think the summer has retreated as the cricket season has begun, the weather this morning looking about as bright as England's prospects of taking 20 wickets in a test match this summer. However there is a ray of light (there always is with England's cricketing prospets, and the weather). If Bopara can add another 50 this morning, and if Broad can fulfill his destiny as the new 'Beefy', things could look bright this weekend, and the shorts can come out.....

Hope is the lifeblood of man.

Can you wear shorts in East London this morning:

Wednesday 6 May 2009

The City 06/05/09

It's a difficult one to call this morning, warm but not too warm, sunny but not too sunny. Much like a scottish bank waiting to be bailed out, it's really a case of what happens next?

Unfortuntaely though, in this case it will be the opptimists going for the short option as it's not quite warm enough to get those legs out yet.
Mind you, the situation could well change, so watch this space. But for now save your short option for the markets and anything that involves scotland and banking and in the mean time trouser up.

Can I wear shorts in the City today??


East London (06/05/09)

For those of you with the good fortune of waking up in London's East this morning, shorts are very much the order of the day. Ideally, choose to spend lunchtime in Greenwich park...

And one other thing. Scurrilous media reports in certain newspapers (the Daily Mail) suggesting the wearing of shorts increases the chances of contracting bird flu are the fabrications of a far-right anti-short wearing front. There is absolutely no scientific basis to this, do not be alarmed. carry on your normal short-wearing routinue as usual.

Can I wear shorts in East London today?

Tuesday 5 May 2009

South London/Canary Wharf 05/05/09

Having spent time in both of these areas I can safely say today is not a short day. There were moments in the Wharf where humidity took over, but this couldn't have been longer than an hour. Look forward to the weekend because it doesn't look like shorts time until then

Photo - Canary Wharf Station: lluisr

Can I wear shorts in South London today??:


West/North London 05/04/09

Once again I'm going to have to be bearer of bad news, shorts are once again entirely inappropriate for todays weather. As the city boy (not that one) points out correctly there is no doubt a bit humidity lurking around, but not enough to warrant a short wearing option. I just hope for everyones sake the weather turns around and I can wear my shorts with my pride sometime soon. They are almost mocking me from my wardrobe, clean and pressed, waiting to be worn.
Can I Wear Shorts in North/West London today??:


The City 05/05/09

After a glorious three days of holiday it is back to the grind for those of us propping up the ailing economy. But it is not just the three heady days of holiday that have come to an end; the beautiful weather of the last few weeks has ended as quickly as a career at Lehman Brothers.

Today it is not just company dress codes that will be stopping city workers wearing shorts, the inclement weather has rendered anything but trousers unneccesary. Despite it still being quite warm and humid, it is not shorts weather in the square mile.

Bear market yes, bare legs no.

Can I wear shorts in the City today??