Friday 1 May 2009

Board shorts aren't shorts

The sun is out in London and god knows it's tempting to whack some shorts on to enjoy the weather in comfort. But before you do so, please make sure to consider one thing – board shorts aren't shorts. They're swimming trunks to be worn on boards, or on the beach. No beaches in London so please resist the temptation..
Beach only - Photo: cwgoodroe

Board short wearers are normally people lucky enough to be from a warm country or even people who have just come back from an extended stay abroad. But in the context of London, they simply don't work and could be the beginning of an ill advised sartorial journey. First the board shorts, then the 3-year-old Glastonbury wristband, then maybe even....dreadlocks, gulp...

For the time being I'd stick with a nice pair of single-colour cotton shorts with two basic pockets (cargo, if you must)

1 comment:

  1. Really like what you've done here. I love shorts, but board shorts are too much
