Friday 8 May 2009

East London (08/05/09)

Today, wear shorts in celebration of England's miraculous bowling display yesterday.....

Conditions are looking perfect for cricket again today, bit of cloud around to help get a bit of swing going this morning....

Can I wear shorts in East London today?

Thursday 7 May 2009

East London (07/05/09)

Moved very much towards the jeans camp today....

I think the summer has retreated as the cricket season has begun, the weather this morning looking about as bright as England's prospects of taking 20 wickets in a test match this summer. However there is a ray of light (there always is with England's cricketing prospets, and the weather). If Bopara can add another 50 this morning, and if Broad can fulfill his destiny as the new 'Beefy', things could look bright this weekend, and the shorts can come out.....

Hope is the lifeblood of man.

Can you wear shorts in East London this morning:

Wednesday 6 May 2009

The City 06/05/09

It's a difficult one to call this morning, warm but not too warm, sunny but not too sunny. Much like a scottish bank waiting to be bailed out, it's really a case of what happens next?

Unfortuntaely though, in this case it will be the opptimists going for the short option as it's not quite warm enough to get those legs out yet.
Mind you, the situation could well change, so watch this space. But for now save your short option for the markets and anything that involves scotland and banking and in the mean time trouser up.

Can I wear shorts in the City today??


East London (06/05/09)

For those of you with the good fortune of waking up in London's East this morning, shorts are very much the order of the day. Ideally, choose to spend lunchtime in Greenwich park...

And one other thing. Scurrilous media reports in certain newspapers (the Daily Mail) suggesting the wearing of shorts increases the chances of contracting bird flu are the fabrications of a far-right anti-short wearing front. There is absolutely no scientific basis to this, do not be alarmed. carry on your normal short-wearing routinue as usual.

Can I wear shorts in East London today?

Tuesday 5 May 2009

South London/Canary Wharf 05/05/09

Having spent time in both of these areas I can safely say today is not a short day. There were moments in the Wharf where humidity took over, but this couldn't have been longer than an hour. Look forward to the weekend because it doesn't look like shorts time until then

Photo - Canary Wharf Station: lluisr

Can I wear shorts in South London today??:


West/North London 05/04/09

Once again I'm going to have to be bearer of bad news, shorts are once again entirely inappropriate for todays weather. As the city boy (not that one) points out correctly there is no doubt a bit humidity lurking around, but not enough to warrant a short wearing option. I just hope for everyones sake the weather turns around and I can wear my shorts with my pride sometime soon. They are almost mocking me from my wardrobe, clean and pressed, waiting to be worn.
Can I Wear Shorts in North/West London today??:


The City 05/05/09

After a glorious three days of holiday it is back to the grind for those of us propping up the ailing economy. But it is not just the three heady days of holiday that have come to an end; the beautiful weather of the last few weeks has ended as quickly as a career at Lehman Brothers.

Today it is not just company dress codes that will be stopping city workers wearing shorts, the inclement weather has rendered anything but trousers unneccesary. Despite it still being quite warm and humid, it is not shorts weather in the square mile.

Bear market yes, bare legs no.

Can I wear shorts in the City today??

Monday 4 May 2009

South London 04/05/09

It had to come to an end sometime.... Yup, unfortunately today is most definitely not a shorts day. It's very nippy, and there could even be rain on the way.

Photo - Wimbledon Common: Jessicamulley

Stay indoors, watch a movie and have a cup of tea. But most importantly get your shorts in the washing machine in preparation for the next day of short-wearing goodness.

Can I wear Shorts in South London today??:


East London (04/05/09)

The urge to wear shorts today is immense for all of us with the bank holiday, but atmospheric conditions make that an unwise choice.
Also, fellas, wear a shirt that covers the top of your upper arm, or wax your underarm hair. I was offended by the young man at work this morning, never mind any young ladies in the vicinity...........

Can I wear shorts in East London today?

West London 04/04/08

Mayday bank holiday and the first thing on everyone's lips in the West London area is undoubtedly 'can I wear shorts today?'. This reporter with much regret has to inform everyone shorts aren't going to possible again today. It's far too mild out there to make shorts a realistic possibility. It came as a crushing blow to me earlier today when realisation kicked in and I just hope I can get over it over the course of the rest of the my trousers of course...

Can I Wear Shorts in North/West London today??:


Sunday 3 May 2009

South London 03/05/09

Gonna go out on a limb here and recommend shorts even though I see this being a 50/50 kinda day. South London folk are made of tough stuff and with the large amounts of SH ex-pats this weather should throw up no shorts issues..

Go my friends and may the shorts be with you

Photo - Wandsworth Common: the_amanada
Can I wear shorts in South London today??:

East London - 03/05/09

There's been a lot of chat about rain for this evening. But follow the words of Dolly Parton, "If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain".

A bullish attitude should be adopted to the wearing of shorts in East London today. Go for a shorts / hoody combo, and enjoy the sunshine....

Photo - Dolly Parton: prawnpie

Should I wear shorts in East London today?

Saturday 2 May 2009

East London

The early morning sunshine boded well for shorts, however I had a meeting with a young lady this morning, and as everyone knows, shorts are a big no-no on a date. I was hoping to slip into something more comfortable this after (shorts that is), however walking through Bermondsey I came upon a gentleman with shorts above the knee, and a physique more suited to longs........not a pretty sight.

Leave the shorts at home today.....

Photo - London Fields: gsdali

Can I wear shorts in East London today??:

South London 02/05/09

Bright, sunny and beautiful today. Infact it's so bright and sunny that I now have a crippling headache after being out in the sun!! But don't let this put you off... This is nailed on shorts weather for South Londoners. One word of warning.. I expect it to get a little bit colder later, so if you're heading to the pub for 4/5ish you might wanna consider trousers.. But for the time being, it's shorts o'clock!

Photo - Clapham Common: Gaetan Lee

Can I wear shorts in South London today??:


North/West London 02/05/09

Jumped the gun in a big way today, the over excitement at the possibility of wearing shorts yielded claims such as "It's looking like absolutely ideal atmospheric conditions for shorts today." and "Wearing trousers today would be a huge error in west/north of London, I can't stress this enough." It is very chilly out there, don't be fooled by the sun light. Shorts are not in the offing as much as I'd love to say they were. Stick to the trousers today unfortuntely

Photo - Regent's Park: javiervp

Can I Wear Shorts in North/West London today??:


Friday 1 May 2009

Board shorts aren't shorts

The sun is out in London and god knows it's tempting to whack some shorts on to enjoy the weather in comfort. But before you do so, please make sure to consider one thing – board shorts aren't shorts. They're swimming trunks to be worn on boards, or on the beach. No beaches in London so please resist the temptation..
Beach only - Photo: cwgoodroe

Board short wearers are normally people lucky enough to be from a warm country or even people who have just come back from an extended stay abroad. But in the context of London, they simply don't work and could be the beginning of an ill advised sartorial journey. First the board shorts, then the 3-year-old Glastonbury wristband, then maybe even....dreadlocks, gulp...

For the time being I'd stick with a nice pair of single-colour cotton shorts with two basic pockets (cargo, if you must)

The City 01/05/09

City boy here (not that one).

The trip on the central line to St Pauls would undoubtedly have been more comfortable if I had been sporting some shorts. Back on the surface and in the streets of the square mile it is a glorious day, and I think the glum faces of bankers on their way to work had less to do with the financial crisis and more to do with the fact that to a man they longed to be wearing shorts.
Wanting the perfect strategy to deal with both today's market and weather conditions? Simple, go short.

The City - Photo: Edgley Cesar

Can I Wear Shorts in The City today??:


North/West London 01/05/09

Woke up this morning usual question came to forefront of my mind, should I wear shorts. It was sunny, don't get me wrong, but recently in particular the Kensington area, there has been a fair bit of wind. Went with my ample gut and went with trousers. 

Hyde Park - Photo: annamon
I've lived to regret that decision for the rest of the day. Perfect short wearing weather, you may even want to include a vest into the arrangement if you're feeling particularly saucy. I did bring some sunnies with me so not all was lost thank god. I'd recommend sunnies as a must if you're going to be walking around or in a park location.

Can I Wear Shorts in North/West London today??:


South London 01/05/09

South London rep here.

Beautiful day today - reminiscent of a mild day in the Western Cape of South Africa. Shorts most certainly the order of the day.... Maybe even sunglasses and flip flops too – the holy trinity – to ring in the start of a new month

Wimbledon Common - Photo: pluzz

Can I Wear Shorts in South London today??: